Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Improving Code Performance

Have you ever been told by a fellow programmer or by someone else that they are rewriting your code cause its dead slow and sucks.

I know you cant resist looking into it no matter how worse the conditions may be with you.
No die-hard programmer or a self-respecting progrmmer is going to accept this.
I believe It's a phenomenon that I've noticed even in myself.
Cause its just not possible...

Yes that's impossible!!! leaving everything you head to office after all its not just a code its
"Your Code, Your identity the inner you" :D

You know that piece of code cant be faster cause it have the best code practices , implementation approaches , sorting algorithms , data structures and all that you have been taught or you are learning since those good BASIC days.
And here's the kewl response!!

Voila what this guy is doing here :D
And the worst part is here.

In the end this is what a self respecting programmer feels. :D

But on a serious note ,
For me nothing motivates like having another programmer tell you they're rewriting your code because it sucks.And i think that this is the best way to motivate programmers and to improve productivity. but only if the competition stays healthy once it starts getting worse then it works just opposite.

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